Latest ӰThe Magazine

ӰThe Magazine

‘An exciting corner’: Look on Lauderdale part of street’s growing business district

Ann Murray first opened Look at 118 Lauderdale St. in May of 2018. There, she has been finding, ...

ӰThe Magazine

A city of art: Ӱmurals bring city’s story to life

Over the past few years, the streets of Ӱhave become much more colorful as local non-profit groups ...

ӰThe Magazine

‘I absolutely love big, beautiful Selma’

Matthew Rhaheem Smith III – familiar to most through his social media moniker of “Rhaheem ‘LivingTheLife’ Smith, under ...

ӰThe Magazine

The Lady from Dallas: Hattie Hooker Wilkins a forgotten champion of voting rights in Selma

The story of Ӱand Dallas County’s role in American democracy is well-known – local activists, students and ...

ӰThe Magazine

Family opens video game arcade in ӰMall

The Towns’ family love for Ӱruns deep. Lyvonia Rivers-Towns and her husband, Roosevelt Towns Jr., officially opened ...

ӰThe Magazine

“Why I Love Selma” – Carl Bowline

For Carl Bowline, Ӱwas always home – his grandparents lived in Ӱthroughout his life and raised ...

ӰThe Magazine

Brick by brick: Henry Brick building on 75-year legacy

Winding one’s way through the labyrinth of industrial machinery that covers nearly every inch of the plants behind ...

ӰThe Magazine

Comradery amongst artists, ӰArt Guild inspires one another while promoting the arts

The ӰArt Guild has been a part of the Queen City’s art scene for 50 years. Cam ...

ӰThe Magazine

Made with Love: Peggy Williamson sells her signature cookies to Selma

Peggy Williamson has operated her consignment store, The Clothes Line, since 1982. Williamson has been selling clothes to ...

ӰThe Magazine

Engineering a Family legacy: Meredith Hogg-Stone continues family tradition

The expectations of continuing a family business can be a huge burden for some. Meredith Hogg-Stone embraced her ...

ӰThe Magazine

Why I Love Ӱ– Optimistic volunteer

Optimism and excitement about her adopted hometown of Ӱflows from Becky Youngblood like the water rolls through ...

ӰThe Magazine

Valley Grande resident creates custom dog houses

By day, Bill Blackmon performs industrial maintenance at Seoyon E-Hwa Interior Systems in Selma. But the minute Blackmon ...

ӰThe Magazine

Dobbs shares efforts, mission at non-profit

Each morning, before the doors open at Safe Harbor Women’s Medical Center, Executive Director Jennifer Dobbs gathers in ...

ӰThe Magazine

Katasha Turner is a rare female Athletic Director in Alabama

Katasha Turner continues a unique tradition at ӰHigh School. Turner is a first-year Athletic Director at Selma ...

ӰThe Magazine

Gindlesberger opens woodworking business

Sam Gindlesberger is making his mark in the Queen City with his woodworking business Live Oaks Woodworking. His ...

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