Community Calendar for Jan. 29

Published 9:38 am Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Getting your player ready...

What’s cooking at the library?

The Selma-Dallas County Library will have its what’s cooking event at the library on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 10 a.m. Class is free. It is on chili and cornbread. Space is limited, For more information or to make a reservation, call 334-874-1725.

Lunch at the Library

The Selma-Dallas County Public Library will have a Lunch at the Library on Thursday, Jan. 30 at 12 p.m. The featured author is Georgina Cross, author of The Stepdaughter among several other books that she will discuss. Two have been optioned by Netflix. Book Sales will kickoff before and after luncheon.  Lunch and program are $15. Space is limited. For more information or to make a reservation, call, 334-874-1725.

Hoppers concert

The Hoppers will be in concert at Bell Lane Baptist Church located at 1000 Bell Lane Road Clanton, on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 6 p.m.  A love offering will be received. All are invited to an evening of great gospel music.  For more information, please contact the church office at 205-755-4882.

Men’s Day

Email newsletter signup

Elbethel Missionary Baptist Church, located at 2792 Persimmon Tree Road in Valley Grande, will be celebrating celebrating Men’s Day with the 100 Men in Black on Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025, at 2 p.m. The Rev. Trenton Pressley is Pastor. The theme is “Iron Shapens Iron, Emphasizing How a Man Sharpens his Friends as stated in Proverbs 27:17.” Guest speaker is the Rev. Dr. Richard Benjamin of Second Siloam MBC Church in Brewton. The Master of Order is Deacon Henry Hicks of Little Rock Baptist Church, Selma.

Big Buck Showdown

Scott Communications is teaming up with area businesses all over Central Alabama to deliver the Big Buck Showdown. Contest runs Oct. 15 through Feb. 10, 2025.

Entrepreneurial workshop

Selma-Dallas County Chamber of Commerce and Dallas County-Alabama Extension will have an Entrepreneur Pop-Up Workshop on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025, from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Vaughan Meeting Room Selma-Dallas County Public Library, 1103 ӰAve., Selma. Check-in by 9:15 a.m., $20 registration fee includes lunch. Register now at .

Bike ride kickoff event

Marion to ӰBike Ride Kickoff Event on Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, at 5 PM, Lincoln Normal School, 207 Lincoln Street Marion, AL 36756. Bike Ride is on Thursday, February 20th, 2025, at 9 AM, Zion Methodist, 301 Pickens Marion, AL 36756.

Tour of Homes

Selma-Dallas County Historic Preservation Society will have its 49th Historic ӰTour of Homes on Friday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15. The welcoming Gala Event will be March 14 at the King-Welch Mansion “Henderson House” with doors opening at 6 p.m. The evening will welcome award winning photographer, Chip Cooper. Entertainment will be provided by the ӰBoys duo, featuring Ӱnatives, Rick Carter and Richard Tabor following the presentation. On March 15, the tour will continue in Fair Oaks Square including the King-Welch “The Henderson House”, a quilt display at Minnie Sue’s Cottage and two local Museums, ӰArt Guild and eight other homes in Ӱwith most in the Old Town District. View the slide show of tour pictures on our web page. The day will end with a tour through Old Live Oak Cemetery from 4-6:30 p.m. Tickets are available on Eventbrite or on sale at the Vaughn Smitherman Museum from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. March 14 and 15.

Ongoing events

  • Al-Anon, a support group for families and friends of alcoholics, meets every Monday at noon in Common Ground at Gamble House, across from St. Paul’s Episcopal.
  • The ӰOutreach Team Fellowship Prayer Ministry will have a prayer meeting on the first Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. For more information, call (334) 412-6673.
  • Edmundite Missions- Bible Study every Monday from 10 AM-11 AM located in the classroom of the Bullock Community and Recreation Center, 1428 Broad St. Selma, AL 36701. For more info: Please call 334-553-2736
  • Book Bunch every Thursday from 10-11 a.m. at the Ӱand Dallas County Public Library in the Kathryn Windham Conference Room. All are welcome.
  • FREE Zumba & Meditation Class- Register Now! Zumba is twice a week on Mondays & Thursdays and Meditation is twice a week on Tuesdays & Wednesdays at the Bullock Center 1428 Broad St. at 5:30 PM.
  • Auburn University-Montgomery Foundation is looking for professional women in Ӱto serve as mentors for the 2024-2025 school year. Mentors should be able to commit at least an hour a week for a year to their student and will complete an application and training process with Aum Foundation. Interested volunteers are encouraged to attend an information session by calling (334) 407-9429 to register.
  • Come enjoy 60 minutes of relaxation. Self-care is important because it can help you balance your life. For more information, log on to Langdon Suite Properties, LLC, at https://langdonsuitepropertiesllc.square.site/
  • The American Red Cross is Looking for Volunteers. Critical Needs Currently: Disaster Action Team Volunteers and Blood Drive Volunteers. There are over 100 volunteer needs including Disaster Action Team Member, Shelter Worker, Health Services Volunteer, Disaster Action Team Auxiliary Member, Fleet and Facilities Operation positions, and Blood Donor Ambassador. Go to www.redcross.org/volunteer   and choose the VOLUNTEER tab to apply. For more information contact: Sandy Zuiderhoek at sandy.zuiderhoek@redcross.org or call/text 334-201-1620
  • Alabama State Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program- ӰMonthly Civil Legal Advice Clinic- Local lawyers will provide FREE legal advice to those who cannot afford legal assistance. The First Wednesdays of the Month from 1:00-3:00 pm at Dr. Michael and Catherine Bullock Community and Recreational Center, 1428 Broad Street, Selma, AL- Divorce, visitation, Debts, Tenant Issues, Probate Matters, Bankruptcy. For more information, please visit https://www.alabar.org/programs/volunteer-lawyers-program/
  • Attention Out of School Youth: 17 – 24 years old! Alabama Career Center in Ӱis offering Work-Based Learning and Internships with Public (not-for-profit) or Private (for-profit) Employers- Gain valuable work experience, learn workplace protocol, acquire professional employment references, and earn $7.25- $19.66 per hour for a maximum of 390. For more information contact ӰCareer Center at selma@alcc.alabama.gov at 334-872-0471
  • Technical School Placement through Individual Referral- Financial assistance to qualified participants to attend Wallace Community College Selma, Technical Division. Computer Information Systems, Truck Driving, Welding, Electrical Technology, Industrial Maintenance Technology, Registered Nursing, Licensed Practical Nursing, Health Aide/Patient Care Technician. Call the ӰCareer Center at 334-872-0471 or visit them at 1112 Water Avenue, Selma, AL Monday-Friday from 8:00 am-5:00 pm
  • ӰKarate Academy sponsored by Edmundite Missions has classes on Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Queen of Peace Complex, located at 2511 Summerfield Road. For more information call 334-455-0929
  • Christian Services for Children in Alabama needs Foster Parent. If you are willing to open your heart and your home please call 334-875-0608 or email recruitfosterparent@gmail.com or contact Doni Baskin at d.baskin@cscalabama.org
  • Recruitment Announcement for ages 16-24, unemployed and not enrolled in high school or college or age 24 and older, unemployed, and looking for employment. The Dallas County Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act at Arsenal Place offers Free Services. For more information contact Donna Allen, Director at 334-526-456

To have your event published in the community calendar, email the details to news@selmatimesjournal.com or drop off a flier for your event in the box at the front desk at the Ӱ-Journal office at 1018 Water Avenue, Suite E.