Dallas County BOE awaiting final approval to close out FY 2024

Published 9:53 am Saturday, January 25, 2025

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The Dallas County School System is awaiting the final signature from State Superintendent Dr. Eric Mackey to close out the financial statements from the 2023-2024 fiscal year so they can begin reconciling the financial statements for the current year.

Chief schools financial officer Quinette Bruno presented the final financial statements to the school board for final approval Thursday night at Brantley Elementary School during their regular meeting.

The financial statement shows a Sept. 30, 2024, ending balance of $5,500,444.48 in the general fund and a balance of $7,267,582.83 across all accounts.

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That gives the district about 2.19 months of operating expenses in the general fund, which is above the one-month minimum.

However, the child nutrition program only had a fund balance of $245,643.61 for a total of 0.87 months of expenses. Because of this, Bruno requested the board approve a transfer of $31.0602.43 from the general fund to get the CNP balance in compliance.

That transfer was finalized when the board unanimously approved the financial statements. Board president Melvin Flanagan-Brown and board members Mamie Solomon, William Minor and Leroy Miles were present. Board member Mark Story was not present.

Now that the transfer was approved, Bruno said all they need is Mackey to sign off on the financials so that they can get caught up with the financial statements for October, November, December and January.

Miles questioned whether the state was withholding funds due to the financial statements not being approved and not having a “completed budget.”

Bruno said that the state is not holding up funds.

“The state is not stopping us from having our funds. They’re sending our funds. We have a budget,” Bruno said. “In my review before I started here, there was a budget hearing one and two. So this was documented that this did happen.”

Bruno said the board would likely have to amend the approved budget, especially when it comes to the funding approved for the new baseball and softball fields they are constructing at Southside and Keith.